BASIC Stamp 2(BS2)是一个简单的微控制器,它具有记忆体(EEPROM)可以储存使用者所开发的程序;并且具有输出输入装置(I/O),这些输出输入的装置可以利用PBASIC语法,很容易去规划及使用,如完成一些电机控制,传感器反馈等等。 PBASIC的语法使用起来非常简单,使用者不需要去了解微控制器的硬体架构或电路设计,利用它所提供的70种指令,来完成你的机器人控制。它在欧美很流行可以降低使用者学习门槛,可以短期搭建复杂控制系统,与现有的低级单片机相比更易学易懂。BASICStamp 2可以更进阶的使用设计, 可以利用其他的各种模组或传感器,如步进电机驱动器,蓝牙无线通讯模组,无线网络模组、超声波传感器、红外传感器等等,它会迅速完成你需要的机器人控制系统或是机电整合系统。
What is the BASIC Stamp Microcontroller Module?
A BASIC Stamp is a single-board computer that runs the Parallax PBASIC language interpreter in its microcontroller. The developer's code is stored in an EEPROM, which can also be used for data storage. The PBASIC language has easy-to-use commands for basic I/O, like turning devices on or off, interfacing with sensors, etc. More advanced commands let the BASIC Stamp module interface with other integrated circuits, communicate with each other, and operate in networks. The BASIC Stamp microcontroller has prospered in hobby, lower-volume engineering projects and education due to ease of use and a wide support base of free application resources.
Technical Specifications:
- 1.Processor Speed = 20 MHz
- 2.Program Execution Speed = ~4,000 instructions/sec.
- 3.RAM Size = 32 Bytes (6 I/O, 26 Variable)
- 4.EEPROM (Program) Size = 2K Bytes, ~500 instructions
- 5.I/O Pins = 16 +2 Dedicated Serial
- 6.Voltage Requirements = 5 - 15 vdc
- 7.Current Draw at 5V = 3 mA Run / 50 μA Sleep
- 8.PBASIC Commands = 42
- 9.Size = 1.2"x0.6"x0.4"
The BASIC Stamp?
A BASIC Stamp is a single-board computer that runs the Parallax PBASIC language interpreter in its microcontroller. The developer's code is stored in an EEPROM, which can also be used for data storage. The PBASIC language has easy-to-use commands for basic I/O, like turning devices on or off, interfacing with sensors, etc. More advanced commands let the BASIC Stamp module interface with other integrated circuits, communicate with each other, and operate in networks. The BASIC Stamp microcontroller has prospered in hobby, lower-volume engineering projects and education due to ease of use and a wide support base of free application resources.
2 is a 24-pin DIP (Dual inline package)module. Most commonly referred to as a microcontroller, onoccasion you may see it being called a single boardcomputer since it has its very own processor, memory, clock,and interface (via 16 I/O pins). Our BASIC Stamp 2 modulehas an extended temperature range of -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F) making it rated Industrial. The BASIC Stampessentially serves as the brains inside of electronics projectsand applications that require a programmablemicrocontroller. It is able to control and monitor switches,timers, motors, sensors, relays, valves, and more. Best yet,programming may be performed in the PBASIC language.Very similar to BASIC, this language has a quick learningcurve and no compiler is required.
The BS2-IC is the single most popular BASIC Stamp modulethat we manufacture. Widely used in educational, hobby, andindustrial applications. This module normally has noshortage of program space or I/O pins. Serial PC interfaceprovides enhanced debug features. Techincal specificationsare listed below or view the comparison .pdf in thedownloads section.
The BS2-IC is strongly recommended for first-time BASICStamp module users because of the many resources,documentation, source code, and customer projects that areavailable online and in print. Our Stamps in Class EducationalProgram was designed with this module, making it a greatplace to learn about microcontrollers. Once you havebecome familiar with programming in PBASIC and havedesigned your own projects, you may want to explore ourselection of BASIC Stamps with increased power, speed, ormemory.
此款BASIC Stamp 2 微控制器为美国原装进口产品,现在欧美十分流行,国外译著机器人书籍经常提到,为了让中国机器人技术赶上国外发展的脚步,特别购进一些,提供给国内机器人玩家,70条PBASIC精简指令让您成为机器人的控制高手。
官方BASIC Stamp Activity Kit 视频网址 :
1.Arduino驱动安装失败? 解决的方法:http://www.makerspace.cn/thread-337-1-1.html
3.Arduino创始人 板子叔亲自教你Arduino:http://www.makerspace.cn/thread-3843-1-1.html
4.采用现成零件 在家自制Arduino手机:http://www.makerspace.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3858
2.Arduino IDE错误提示问题原因汇总:http://www.alsrobot.cn/article-231.html
3.Arduino+Processing 制作极客风格绘图机:http://www.alsrobot.cn/article-779.html
1.RPLIDAR 激光雷达与Arduino连接的互动应用:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTM5NDQyNTEy.html?from=y1.7-2
4. 运用Arduino三轴加速度计实现云台姿态控制:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjAwNDEzMjQw.html?from=y1.7-2
2.Arduino 控制舵机:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e4725590100d3sf.html
4.Arduino PWM:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e4725590100d1d7.html